Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blog Post Thirteen

The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.In elementary school, children are prepared for middle school, and in middle school, students prepare for high school. Once in high school, students prepare for college, and then every college student needs to prepare for life after college. Through all of the research and references that I have made this semester through EDM 310, I have not prepared for life after college. Yes, EDM 310 has taught me so much about technology in the classroom, but I am never going to reach a classroom if I do not receive a teaching position. In EDM 310, I believe that we should have to witness technology in the classroom. Through field service, students will not only build real life relationships with teachers, but every student will see first hand the positives and negatives of teaching with or without technology.

Blog Post Directions:
Complete 20 hours of field service in your school of choice throughout the semester. For your final blog post, you must reflect on the use of technology that you have witnessed during your field service.
1.) Where did you perform your field service? What technology did the teachers use in the classroom?
2.) What are the benefits of using this technology in the classroom?
3.) What were the negatives of using this technology in the classroom?
4.) Do you believe that the use of technology is appropriate for the classroom?
Answer the questions in a blog post that adheres to the standards found in the ACCRS.

My response to the directions I provided for the blog post:
Mimio in the Classroom

At St. Luke's Episcopal School, the use of technology is strictly up to the teachers' discretion. Every teacher is provided with a Mimio, a device that turns the whiteboard into an interactive whiteboard. With this device, a teacher can use the whiteboard normally, but by turning on the device, the board immediately turns interactive. Along with a laptop, this is the main source of technology that the teachers are provided with.

Although I believe that there are many positive and many negative aspects of using technology in the classroom, but Mimio is a very positive asset to a classroom. I believe that the teachers should be required to attend training sessions about the device, so every teacher is aware of the uses of Mimio. Once the teachers are aware of how to use this device, the teachers of each grade should meet to create lesson plans. This allows every student to receive that same usage of technology in the classroom.
Although I do not see too many positive effects of the use of technology in a classroom, I have, in fact, learn how the use of a Mimio is a great learning tool.


  1. Hey Megan! Great post. I feel the same when it came to using technology in the classroom. I think it should be the teacher decision. Although, I have heard of the Mimio, I have never seen one being using. So I really don't know any positives or negatives, just what I have been told. But from what you are saying, it sounds like a great device because unlike a smart board, the teacher still has the preference to use just the whiteboard.

  2. Hey Megan, I agree that student's should have to witness technology used in the classroom. They can reflect on how their field experience teacher used technology and how they would use it differently or the same. Great job with this post.
